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How to connect Finom account with DATEV? (BIC SOBKDEBBXXX)
How to connect Finom account with DATEV? (BIC SOBKDEBBXXX)

For our users with the BIC SOBKDEBBXXX

Kristen avatar
Written by Kristen
Updated over 7 months ago

Quick and easy via our DATEV integration!

Under the Payment Services Directive II (PSD2), you can grant access to third-party applications to your transaction data.

To do this for your Finom transaction data, you’ll first need to register for your SolarisBank credentials to “claim” your bank account.

Once you’ve completed this registration, you can use your credentials to connect to many third-party applications and accounting tools.

The whole process should take about 15-20 minutes. You’ll need to know your Finom IBAN and have your registered mobile phone to hand. Follow the steps below to connect your account with DATEV:

  1. Set up credentials.

  2. Connect your Finom account with DATEV & initiate the sync of your transactions.

Set up my.solarisbank credentials.

First, open the website

You can view the webpage in German and English. To switch languages, select the abbreviation DE for German or EN for English in the top right corner of the page. You will be able to change the language during each step of the registration process without losing any progress.

To start the registration process, click the “Register” button.

On the following page, enter your email and your phone number which shall be connected to the account. While the email will be used as your login, the phone number is required to contact you in case a password recovery is needed. Make sure to enter the phone number in its international format (e.g., +491234567890 for the German phone number 01234567890).

Upon successful completion and clicking the “Register” button, you will receive an email containing a temporary password, which you will need to move forward with your registration.

In case you did not receive an email, check your spam folder. As soon as you have access to the mail, click the “Log in” button or the link in the email, followed by a click on “Log in” on the following page.

Enter your email and the password you have just received, then click the “Log in” button to confirm.

On the next page, enter a new password that matches the security guidelines mentioned.

Afterward, you’ll be asked to add your Finom account to your my.Solaris account. Enter the account’s IBAN and the telephone number corresponding to the account and click “Continue”.

You’ll receive a six-digit TAN code via SMS to your entered phone number, which you’ll have to enter on the next page. It may take several minutes to receive the SMS.

Next, you need to prove that you have access to the bank account you want to connect. Log into your Finom account. Your transaction list for the account you are trying to connect will show a 0,00 EUR transaction from my.Solarisbank. Click the transaction to show the details.

Enter the verification code on the my.Solarisbank website and click “Continue”.

Done! The account has been added successfully. Repeat this step for all other relevant accounts by clicking the button “Link a new bank account to my.Solaris”.

You’re now ready to connect DATEV Unternehmen Online.

Use ID token of your my.Solaris account to log into DATEV Unternehmen Online.

In the upper right corner, click “Anwendungen” and select the module “Bank”.

Here, you can see all bank accounts that have been set up for your company. Click “Bankkonto hinzufügen / bearbeiten” to add your Finom account.

Enter the IBAN of your Finom account into the respective field. All other fields will be filled automatically once you enter the IBAN correctly. Confirm by clicking “Hinzufügen”. Repeat this step for all accounts. Afterward, click “Speichern”, followed by “Bankverbindung verwalten”, to enable DATEV to access your bank account.

Select the account you want to connect to DATEV Unternehmen Online, select the tab “HBCI-Zugang”, and click “Neu / hinzufügen”.

Enter a distinct name for the connection and click “Weiter”.

On the next page, select the “Access to Account” interface (XS2A) by clicking “Access to Account einrichten”.

Next up, you will be forwarded to the page of finAPI, the service that will connect DATEV and Finom. Enter your my.Solaris email as “Anmeldename”, read the license agreement (“Nutzungsvereinbarung”), and accept it by ticking the box. Afterwards, click “Bankdaten abrufen”.

You will be forwarded to the my.Solaris website. Log in using your access data.

The following page will show the account details and ask you for confirmation. Check if it is really the account you intended to add and click “Allow” to proceed.

Next, you’ll receive a TAN code via SMS to the device you connected to your my.Solaris account as a safety measure. It may take several minutes to receive the SMS. Enter the TAN code and confirm by clicking “Continue”.

You will be redirected to DATEV Unternehmen Online and receive confirmation for the successful establishment of the connection. You can close the window and return to the DATEV Unternehmen Online main page.

Open the tab “Anwendungen” and select “Stammdaten”.

Use the menu on the left to navigate to “Unternehmensangaben” and the menu on top of the page to navigate to “Bank”. Click “Bankverbindungen verwalten”.

Choose your Finom account from the list of connected banks and switch to the tab “Umsatzabholung” in the lower area of the page. Tick the box captioned “Kontoauszüge abholen und im Archiv speichern” and select “manuelle Abholung über DATEV-RZ mit HBCI PIN/TAN oder EBICS”. Afterwards, click “Übernehmen”. Use the menu “Anwendungen” to navigate to the module “Bank” again.

The account has been added. To receive transactions, click the green refresh button.

On the following page, select the HBCI access you just created and click “Kontoumsätze holen”.

It’s a wrap! The transactions have been imported and are accessible to both you and your tax advisor.

Should you have any questions about connecting your Finom account to DATEV Unternehmen Online, please feel free to contact us. We will guide through the process step by step!

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