I don’t recognize a card transaction
It may happen that you see a transaction in your account that you don’t recognize. The first thing you should do is to freeze your card immediately in the settings of your card. If you have doubts about how to do this, please check this article.
Now when your card is frozen, we recommend you to take some time to investigate this yourself, by asking all persons who are authorized to use your account if they are aware of the transaction in question. You can also search the transaction name online as in some cases, the name that appears on your statement or receipt may not match the actual merchant name. For example, Instagram related purchases may appear as “Facebook” in your statement, but it does not mean Facebook is the platform you made your transactions on. Some companies use billing service providers, in which case the name of the merchant displayed will not be the same as the merchant who is the end recipient of your money.
💡 If you still don’t recognize the transaction and wish to dispute it, please follow these steps:
Check your BIC – Is it SOBKDEB2XXX?
If YES, kindly contact our Customer Care team directly for assistance via e-mail [email protected]
If NO, you can proceed by filling out the chargeback request form using this link. After submitting the form, a representative from our payment team will get in touch with you regarding your chargeback.
When submitting the form, please provide a detailed description of the issue and any relevant information. This will help us review your case more efficiently and reduce the need for follow-up questions.
💡 If your card was stolen, and you see unauthorized transactions, please make sure to block your card immediately, even before you contact us, to prevent any further charges.
Let our customer care know when you contact us that your card was stolen, and provide all the previously mentioned information.
When can I ask for a card transaction dispute?
If you made a purchase and something went wrong, we can help you recover the money through the chargeback process.
Some possible scenarios we can assist with include:
Undelivered merchandise
Items or services not as described
Refunds not received after cancelling a service or a purchase
ATM did not dispense cash
Incorrect amount/currency of the payment
Subscription cancelled, but still charged
💡 Before we initiate a chargeback, you should first contact the merchant to try resolving the problem – this approach usually leads to the fastest solution, while the chargeback process can last more than 10 weeks.
Merchant is unresponsive
As a last resort, if the merchant is not supporting you with your issue, we can initiate the chargeback process for you. To do this, we need you to contact us with detailed information about the problem. Helpful details include the nature of the purchase, the merchant's response, and relevant dates. Additionally, we require supporting documentation such as purchase receipts and your communications with the merchant.
After you report the issue and provide the requested information, our team will review it and respond to you.
Please note that the dispute handling fee is €30.
(Does not apply to clients with BIC SOBKDEB2XXX & TRZOFR21XXX)
If you have any doubts or need any support, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Care team from in-app chat or by email at [email protected]