Finom offers international payments, allowing you to work with partners all around the world and not only Europe
In this article you will find information about available countries.
Outgoing transfers (you are the sender)
Finom supports all countries for outgoing payments except the following:
Afghanistan | Eritrea | Libya | Sudan |
American Samoa | Ethiopia | Luhansk region of Ukraine | Syria |
Anguilla | Fiji | Mali | Taiwan |
Antigua and Barbuda | Guam | Myanmar | Trinidad and Tobago |
Belarus | Guinea | Nicaragua | US Virgin Islands |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guinea-Bissau | Niger | Vanuatu |
Burundi | Haiti | North Korea | Venezuela |
Central African Republic | Iran | Palau | Yemen |
Congo Democratic Republic | Iraq | Panama | Zaporizhzhia region of Ukraine |
Cook Islands | Kazakhstan | Russia | Zimbabwe |
Crimea | Kherson region of Ukraine | Samoa |
Cuba | Kosovo | Somalia |
Donetsk region of Ukraine | Lebanon | South Sudan |
Incoming transfers (you are the recipient)
Finom supports the following countries for incoming payments:
Åland Islands | Ecuador | Macau | San Marino |
Algeria | Egypt | Macedonia | São Tomé and Principe |
Andorra | Equatorial Guinea | Madagascar | Saudi Arabia |
Angola | Estonia | Malawi | Serbia |
Argentina | Falkland Islands | Malaysia | Seychelles |
Armenia | Faroe islands | Maldives | Sierra Leone |
Aruba | Finland | Malta | Singapore |
Australia | France | Marshall Islands | Slovakia |
Austria | French Guiana | Martinique | Slovenia |
Azerbaijan | French Polynesia | Mauritania | Solomon Islands |
Bahrain | French Southern Territories | Mauritius | South Africa |
Bangladesh | Gabon | Mayotte | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Belgium | Gambia | Micronesia | South Korea |
Belize | Georgia | Monaco | Spain |
Benin | Germany | Mongolia | Sri Lanka |
Bermuda | Gibraltar | Montenegro | St Kitts & Nevis |
Bhutan | Greece | Montserrat | St Lucia |
Bolivia | Greenland | Namibia | St Maarten |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | Grenada | Nauru | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Bouvet Island | Guadeloupe | Nepal | Suriname |
Brazil | Guernsey | Netherlands | Svalbard and Mayen |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Netherlands Antilles | Swaziland |
British Virgin Islands | Hong Kong | New Caledonia | Sweden |
Brunei Darussalam | Hungary | New Zealand | Switzerland |
Bulgaria | Iceland | Niue | Thailand |
Cameroon | India | Norfolk Island | Timor-Leste |
Canada | Indonesia | North Mariana Islands | Togo |
Cape Verde | Ireland | Norway | Tokelau |
Cayman Islands | Isle Of Man | Oman | Tonga |
Chad | Israel | Papua New Guinea | Tunisia |
Chile | Italy | Paraguay | Turkey |
China | Japan | Philippines | Turks & Caicos |
Christmas Island | Jersey | Pitcairn | Tuvalu |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Kenya | Poland | United Arab Emirates |
Comoros | Kiribati | Portugal | United Kingdom |
Costa Rica | Kuwait | Puerto Rico | United States |
Côte D'Ivoire | Kyrgyzstan | Qatar | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Croatia | Lao People's Democratic Republic | Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) | Uruguay |
Curacao | Latvia | Réunion | Uzbekistan |
Cyprus | Lesotho | Romania | Vatican City State |
Czech Republic | Liberia | Rwanda | Vietnam |
Denmark | Liechtenstein | Saint Berthélemy | Wallis and Futuna |
Djibouti | Lithuania | Saint Martin (French part) | Zambia |
Dominica | Luxembourg | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
Please note that foreign currency exchange and international transfers in Finom are available by countries and currencies.
You can check availability of countries and currencies in the articles here:
If you want to initiate an international transfer, you can check how to do it in this article
If you want to know how to make currency exchange, you can check this article
If you require any support or would like to work with partners outside mentioned countries, then don't hesitate to contact us using our in app chat, or via email at [email protected].